Monday, January 10, 2011

Girl Commits Suicide Because of Justin Bieber

So this girl; who is a major JBiebs fan, had just died because of an extreme case of Bieber-Fever. I don't know the exact date, but It was reported very recently. When JBiebs and Selena were reported kissing on New Years, some very stupid; I'm guessing fat, hairy, gross, smelly, mustachy, loner girl had gone balistic and killed herself because Selena stole her crush.... I guess that's one less lonely girl.

What is killing yourself gonna do? Make Bieber kiss YOU? nope, your dead. Because of the fact that she killed herself because she loves Bieber too much makes it even worse. I would totally get if someone would kill themselves after hearing a JBiebs song, looking at him, or knowing that your wrong because he actually got a girlfriend. It's just sad that a 12 year-old looking pop singer who sings about things that he has no idea about... girls, attracts so many girls, and some gay boys, and I've seen ages 4-20 that absolutely LOVE the Biebs. They have the Bieber-Fever. 

But as many of you know, I am not a big Belieber. This is another big hoax someone made up to make girls seem like even bigger ugly fat nasty stupid dumbasses. That is why all of the girls who are diagnosed with Bieber-Fever, should spend less time on the couch watching TV, and more time.. infact, ALL time in the kitchen.

I have actually never seen a mutual person who is a Justin Bieber fan. << someone who likes Bieber but doesn't buy his T-shirts and attend every single concert of his, and they don't freak out when Justin news comes about. I have only ever seen either someone who hates JBiebs, or is extremely obsessed with him.
Me....... I would rather have Beaver-Fever than Bieber-Fever

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Death Threats on Selena Gomez

Apparently there are death threats against Selena Gomez because of her dating Justin Bieber.

I don't know why anyone would give her death threats because Justin Bieber isn't even high-five worth, you can't like some guy who is too afraid to come out of the closet and uses girls to try to make him look straight. I really don't think it's working Bieber. Go play with your doll house dressed up like a pretty princess with lipstick smeared of the side of your face, oh sorry, discard the 'pretty' before princess. TYPO
look at it.... JBiebs' head is smaller that Selena's. He is like, 12. Not to mention shorter too

all of the death threats are made by fat hairy ugly mustache-y girls... well you can't really call them girls, kind of like, McDonald's greatest customers. Anybody who would cry over JBiebs needs to go in the back and get shot.

- TIP: Selena, you could do better with a 70 year old porn star; all old and frigid.
- TIP: Bieber.... come out of the closet, you know what, even if you did, everyone would still make fun of your fucking weird haircut and terrible lip-syncing because of your 'puberty' which everyone knows you haven't hit yet, another thing your faking to try to look 'manly'